Adjust the bias on a whole range of Marshall amplifiers When you receive your receipt, simply click on the link provided and download your copy straight to your device.

So when you order your copy, you will receive an email receipt straight away with your download link. We ask a small fee to cover the many hours it took to produce and photograph this document. To order your copy just click on ‘add to cart’ above. We think an instantly downloadable PDF is by far the quickest and cheapest option. We decided not to print an expensive, full-colour book which you have to wait weeks for in the post. To receive your copy of How To Bias a Marshall JCM2000 DSL 100W. Set the bias to suit your sound and suddenly your amp will take on anew lease of life. Getting the bias voltage right on your power tubes will ensure that your amp sounds the way you want it to sound. So can feel confident and you know you are in safe hands.

No stone is left unturned and you will not be at risk if you follow the instructions. It is written by a senior electronics engineer with 40 years of experience. It comes with full-colour pictures our expert takes you, step by step, through the entire process. So we’ve put together the definitive bias manual for the Marshall JCM2000 DSL 100W. How to bias a Marshall JCM2000 DSL 100 amplifier: Learn from the Pros. So just enough to make them, and you, downright dangerous! It is mainly written by well-meaning enthusiasts who have gained a little bit knowledge about biasing the Marshall JCM2000 DSL 100W. Unfortunately, most of it is plain wrong and in some cases even dangerous. NOTE: There’s a huge amount of free information on the web about how to bias Marshall JCM2000 DSL 100W amps. If you want to bias your Marshall JCM2000 DSL 100W – you’ve come to the right place! Learn how to Bias a Marshall JCM2000 DSL 100W